Monday, June 8, 2015

When You Feel Like You Want To Rebel Against Mom and Dad

Having it your way is not always best. Mom and Dad have years of experience and they have your best interest at heart. Honoring your father and mother is a commandment. Mom and Dad love you no matter what! They will always love you!!! Both of them pray for you! Remember August 2nd, 2014 when dad apologized and hugged me to say sorry that's why you shouldn't rebel because it's not worth it!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Word Journal

I thought that both of today’s readings were really good. I loved how both Carr and Postman focused on similar issues and how we are all influenced today by a new plague: technology
There are some things that both of them hit the nail on the head as far as what the effects of technology would be.
I loved some of the words that they used:
Burlesque:  mocking treatment of a solemn subject
Odious: causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment
Vaudeville: a theatrical piece of light or amusing character, interspersed with songs and dances.
Handsomest (at first I read this too fast and thought it was a different word): good looking
Amiability: friendly and agreeable in disposition
Today’s society is moving away from the wonderful world of books to the common place of computers.  It is sad but true. I even catch myself looking to the internet instead of using the books right in front of me. I would rather see the movie than read the book but yet I love reading those books when I realize how much I’m missing out on by just watching the “high light reel” that the movie presents or if I’m really lazy I’ll just watch the previews. But after the movie I’ll have all of these questions about what the characters are thinking but I’m too lazy to read the book. The way that Carr and Postman are describing what the future is like and that is exactly what today’s world is like.
For example: My dad, when he wants to watch television he asks “Hey Jonathan where’s the ‘channel changer’” It drives me crazy. “Dad just say it right”. And then he is so impatient. He won’t wait until something is on Netflix he will want it now. And even then when it comes on Netflix he’ll watch the whole season of a show and then he’ll come to me and ask “So when is the next Arrow episode on?” and I’ll answer and say “Dad, it won’t be available until next week or next fall.”
Being a word smith or critiquing is something that I do on a minute to minute basis just by default because I love finding out new things and learning to apply them. If I could have one day where my sole purpose was to learn all that I could would be amazing.

Debauchery: unrestrained self-indulgent immoral behavior, or an instance of this